In "Let them eat fat" Critser explains how alot of these fast-food companies are targeting mostly poor neighborhoods.He explains how McDonald's good cheeseburgers are purchased mostly by the inner-city black young kids. This is due too the poor wanting more cheap food.
After reading this article i think people should consider eating alot more healthier because how does one meal at Mcdonald's go from 680 calories to more then 1,340 calories.Now that's food for thought
Whats worst is how Critser Say's " that the most important fast-food innovation of the past twenty years, the sales gimmick known as Supersizing".That's what 680 to 1,340 calories really means going from Small to really big.Imagine if we as people really took the time to think about how many calories and what the food we consume really has inside.Also this fast-food that we enjoy eating could cause alot of health problems that use young men suffer from like for one example diabetes.This and other health problems cause damage to your body over time.Personally for example i have a 14 year old cousin he used too play alot of sports as a younger kid but now he has problems manging his weight.At 14 he should still be active with sports but from having poor eating habits he no longer has the energy to move around alot.To think now at the age of 16 hes is now has to mange his diabetes.
I like how you connected the article to your personal experience via your cousin. Good strategy.
ReplyDeleteHi my name is Trevor, I'm a student enrolled in a "Tutoring Writing" course here at LaGuardia.I have noticed in this writing piece that you have chosen to write about the obesity epidemic that is literally eating our nation. I have really noticed from the introduction that this problem adresses a certain audience. I can see that young African American men are mostly effected by this problem. What is more interesting is that you identify what social class the food industries are targeted to. I would like to see more summarization on the actual social classes in relationship to the fast-food restaurant chains. Most of what this article "Let Them Eat Fat" addresses is how the economic status of young black children are effected by this crisis. Adress this economic position and you should be fine on the topic get off the statistics and text and get into the experiance!!