Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog 18: Too Much Stuff

                                                         In the 2$ Camisole by Mary Williams.she express how Old navy is selling camisole for just 2$ and Kindles going for 139$.  these bargains come at a cost on the workers,the environment, and of our every growing superficial relationship with or possessions.cheap prices do draw attention buying cheap products is costly. cheap Merchandise such as phones, kitchen cabinets, dont have a very long lifespan.

she not complaining on way these items are so cheap its more on the question " Why are they so cheap?".

reason 1

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

blog 16

Part 1
In the article " the new industrial migrants" by Schlosser explains how in the 80's large numbers of immigrants travel all the way from their country's to Colorado.Just to fill these meatpacking jobs that use to offer a middle class life but now just offer poverty wages.These meatpacking  jobs are spouse to pay a minimum wage instead their are paying less then that.these industries have the highest turnover rate in the market

Friday, November 12, 2010

Blog 15

so the first farm i checked out on this very informative website.Is called Arcadian Pastures

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

blog 14 Ideas for improving my performance in the CATW

     Remembering to annotate
     Writing side notes is also help full
     numbering the main ideas
      better organizing your ideas
using T-chart to organize ideas 
better organizing my annotation
transition words like equally important
following this,for instance
making sure i understand the reading
expand more on my ideas
make sure what are the significant ideas in the reading
i think you should,ve gave me another reader because he really doesn't know were am coming from.and really didt understand the reading thank you come again.

response to self
i like
your summary and your main idea
i recommend
to expand more on your ideas have a longer response
you must
check grammar and misspelled words

blog 13 catw 5

                                                                    In the article "How to do one thing at a time" Jones explains how multi-tasking has no major benefits to use.Further more she also uses facts to explain how our brain's work alot better doing one thing at a time then as in doing alot of things at once.
                                                                     One significant idea in the passage is how we are really bad at multi-tasking.Myself for example i was writing a five page paper for my midterm but i was watching a movies on my laptop and listing to music at the same time.I found doing this was easier then doing my paper because it was hard for me to do.Besides writing papers setting personal goals for myself ends up in total disaster because am so in a rush to do them all at once by the end of the day i end up do very little for myself.Going back to what Jones states in her passage that there is a way to repair my concentration that there is a way to stop Multi-tasking i think the question i have to ask myself is if i really do want to stop?.In time i think we should all ask ourselves that same question or are we going to find some type of balance.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog 12 In Defense of Food

                                                                In "Defense of food" Pollan's suggest how to implement a plan on how u could eat better.My first thought was he does make sense especially when he states " Don't eat anything your great-grand mother would,t recognize as food" this sounds pretty down straight to the point i dont see whats hard to understand about that.But i think what we do lack on is the information on were to obtain REAL FOOD some if not alot of people don't know anything about Farmer's markets.Also do people know what is real food? did you know that the natural color of butter is white not yellow!.i know were i stand when it come about knowing do you?.but is quality expense for some dumb reason yes it is.some of us like myself cant afford it and if i did have the extra money i don't think current lifestyle allows me to because its pretty face paced for me am always running around doing some thing.But am sure in time i,ll change that who know maybe one day i,ll be able to sit at a park and eat a REAL apple.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog #11 CATW #4

                                                         In "Let them eat fat" Critser explains how alot of these fast-food companies are targeting mostly poor neighborhoods.He explains how McDonald's good cheeseburgers are purchased mostly by the inner-city black young kids. This is due too the poor wanting more cheap food.

                                                            After reading this article i think people should consider eating alot more healthier because how does one meal at Mcdonald's go from 680 calories to more then 1,340 calories.Now that's food for thought

                                                              Whats worst is how Critser Say's " that the most important fast-food innovation of the past twenty years, the sales gimmick known as Supersizing".That's what 680 to 1,340 calories really means going from Small to really big.Imagine if we as people really took the time to think about how many calories and what the food we consume really has inside.Also this fast-food that we enjoy eating could cause alot of health problems that use young men suffer from like for one example diabetes.This and other health problems cause damage to your body over time.Personally for example i have a 14 year old cousin he used too play alot of sports as a younger kid but now he has problems manging his weight.At 14 he should still be active with sports but from having poor eating habits he no longer has the energy to move around alot.To think now at the age of 16 hes is now has to mange his diabetes.